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Family Law

Divorce & Separation

Divorce and Separation can be an extremely difficult and emotional time.

At MobbsMarr Legal, our family law team will provide you with clarity and direction through the divorce or separation process.

The Divorce and Separation process, depending on your circumstances, may involve the following:

  • Divorce Applications and Orders
  • Children and Parenting Matters
  • Property and Financial Settlement 

Our team can guide you through your options and provide tailored recommendations depending on matters such as whether or not the separation is amicable, the extent of the conflict and the most appropriate steps towards a resolution. 

We understand that every matter is different, so we tailor our approach to each client’s individual needs. Contact our family law team today.

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Children & Parenting

Our expert team acknowledge that issues surrounding children and parenting matters can mean an overwhelming time for families.

At MobbsMarr Legal we help you to better understand and navigate this emotional time and will tirelessly represent you in your court proceedings.

Our experienced family law team can assist in the following areas:

  • Parenting Plans and Consent Orders
  • Applying to Court for Interim and Final Orders, including Urgent Orders
  • Relocation and Recovery of children
  • Parentage and Parental DNA testing
  • Contravention Applications
  • Binding Child Support Agreements
  • Mediation

Our team will work closely with you to find the right path for you, with a focus on the child’s best interests.

We focus on your family’s needs and individual circumstances to deliver sensible, timely and cost-effective actions and advice. Contact our family law team today.

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Property & Maintenance

For many clients, family law property and financial settlements could be their first and only experience of the law, lawyers, courts, negotiations, mediations, and settlements.

We will provide you with clear and sensible advice as to your entitlements. We may not tell you what you want to hear – we will tell you what you need to hear and know.

We believe that all property and financial settlements are not restricted to legal advice only and we look to work closely with your preferred financial, accounting and taxation advisors to ensure that the advice you receive from us is a holistic approach for you and your financial circumstances.

Our experienced family law team can assist in the following areas:

  • Consent Orders
  • Applying to Court for Property Orders
  • Spousal Maintenance
  • Superannuation Split
  • Contravention and Enforcement Applications
  • De Facto Relationship Declarations

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Domestic and Family Violence

If you are experiencing or have been accused of domestic or family violence, at MobbsMarr Legal our team can assist in services including:

  • Applying for a domestic violence order
  • Opposing an application for a domestic violence order made against you
  • Negotiating the length and conditions of an order
  • Consenting to an order being made without admissions
  • Varying an order
  • Preparing and negotiating undertakings

Our lawyers are experienced in providing advice, filing relevant material and attending court proceedings and hearings as necessary.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Our expert family law team can advise you on your options to avoid litigation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution is often more time and cost effective and allows parties to move forward in a positive direction.

There are different resolution options and we aim to pursue the resolution path which is right for you, ensuring you are supported throughout the process.

We assist clients with alternative dispute resolution including:

  • Negotiation
  • Mediation
  • Arbitration

We understand that every matter is different, so we tailor our approach to your individual needs and circumstances.  Contact our family law team today.

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Financial Agreements

A Financial Agreement (commonly known as a pre-nup) is a private contract between two people which can be entered into:

  • Before or during a marriage
  • During a de facto relationship
  • Following separation of a married or de facto couple
  • Following divorce

Our specialised family law team has the expertise and experience to support you through the process of entering into a Financial Agreement, which can safeguard your assets and reduce the potential financial and emotional toll of a relationship breakdown.

We will work with you to help you understand your rights and entitlements when entering into or considering a Financial Agreement.

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Child Protection

Families involved with the Department of Child Safety are often experiencing a number of complex issues and challenges.

We will ensure you are well-informed of the support programs available, and provide robust representation and advice tailored to your situation.

We can assist with:

  • Negotiating with the Department of Child Safety
  • Responding to Child Protection applications
  • Applying to vary or revoke a Child Protection Order
  • Applying to QCAT to appeal a Child Protection Order

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